Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Peace in our World

From inside a small church in Assisi

What is a missioner to do when so many countries are in violent conflict?  The conflicts in Libya, Iraq, Afganistan, Syria, Yemen, and other places appear to be attempts to have democracy and human rights, yet they also result in violence.  Too many people are dying!!

I have no great insight as to what is the right political or military response.  As a missioner I turn to Jesus and His gospel and try to figure things out from there.  In Matthew 5:9 Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."  Jesus is the Prince of Peace and He desires peace.  Yet, in Matthew 10:34, Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth.  I have come to bring not peace but the sword."  However, just before this in Matthew 10:28 he proclaims, "And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna."  Therefore, the words of Jesus indicate that peace is the aim, but that division will occur and that we should be brave and trust in Him.

Some would argue revolution, protests, and even war can lead to peace.  Yet, peace is a time of tranquility and calm.  These actions, even when they are to create a better world for the people, still leave death, destruction and despair in their tracts.

As a missioner, I take my greatest comfort in the life of Jesus himself.  I study His actions and His approach to the conflict of His nation at His time.  From there I try to conform my life to the same principles.  Imperfect that I am, I still strife for perfection as my Heavenly Father is perfect.

Jesus lived in Israel which was ruled and occupied by a foreign power, the Romans.  It was a conspiracy of religious leaders manipulating Roman law that resulted in the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus.  Many countries today are trying to overthrow oppressive leaders and sometimes religious leaders are part of the oppression.  The approach of Jesus was to ministry in love, seek justice and speak the truth.  His harhes words are not towards political powers, but religious powers.  He invited everyone to call God "Abba" or "Dad" and to treat everyone as your mother, brother and sister.  Of course He assumed that we love our brothers and sisters and treat them with kindness.  (Unfortunately, that is not always the case.)

When the time of his arrest came, Peter drew a sword to defend Jesus.  Here is the response that Jesus gave:

"Put your sword back into your sheath, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.  Do you think that I cannot call upon my Father and he will not provide me at this moment with more than twelve legions of angels?  But then how would the scriptures be fulfilled which say that it must come to pass in this way?" (Matthew 26:52-54)

Therefore, as we pray for the safety of our soldiers and as we pray for the  protection of the innocent, we also pray for a better way and end to violence.  War is always a violent means of change.  It can stop oppressive and aggressive leaders and countries.  Sometimes it can safe lives even as it takes the lives of others.  Yet, war can not bring lasting peace.  There is always a winner and a loser in war.  The loser remembers the loss and loss of loved ones.  They often wait for revenge.  For peace to emerge, their needs to be reconciliation after war otherwise you might replace one oppressive form of government with another or one bad dictator with an equally bad or worse dictator.  Then you just repeat Yugaslavia which was thought to be a peaceful nation after WWII, but is divided into many nations after much blood was shed.

The only true way to peace is for nations to see their neighbors as friends and not enemies.  Within countries it is for citizens to love and respect each other.  At the core, it is the respect for the dignity of life and the value of each person that will lead to peace.  Regardless of religion, it is necessary to recognize that we are all created by the same God in the likeness of that God.  As Christians this is so very clear in the Bible, especially in the New Testament.

So for me, the way to peace in the political realm is hard to know, but in the Reign of God it is clear.  Each of us first most commit ourselves to living in peace with our family and neighbors.  We need to forgive and seek reconciliation when we have harmed others or others have harmed us.  We must let God bring Justice and not seek revenge.  If each individual takes responsibility for this, then you create a nation that honors it citizens and respects the dignity of life of all.  Only unconditional Love can transform the world.

I realize some may see this as an ideal, but I see it as the REAL.  The is really what God wants of us and it is really what we are capable of becoming.  Jesus words over and over again after the resurrection is "Peace be with You".  May it be so!!!

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