Monday, March 28, 2011

A new blog

My sabbatical is over, but my missionary life continues.  For now, I am assigned to the National Headquarters of my missionary community, the Home Missioners of America, or better known as the Glenmary Home Missioners in Cincinnati, OH. My responsibilities are to manage a few special projects.  In June we will have elections through a discernment process and receive new leadership. So spare a prayer for us, if you will.  After that time, I will be given a new assignment.  Yet, whether my assignment is in the mission field of rural U.S.A. or in some support ministry like I just finished in the vocation office, I remain a missioner.

Being a missioner in the United States has become my primary identity.  I am thrilled and feel blessed to be of the Pawelk clan.  We are made of good German stock and have a very solid Christian foundation.  I am proud of coming from Maple Lake, MN and being raised on a farm.  This identity created the ability to add a new layer.

Likewise, being a priest in the Roman Catholic Church is an incredible experience.  For close to 22 years I have shared in the many special sacramental moments in people's lives all over the globe.  Baptisms, marriages and funerals all bring me deeper into the life's of others, but more importantly they bring Christ's awesome love and the gift of the Holy Spirit deeper into folk's lives.  The highlight of any day and every Sunday is to preside or offer the Mass, the Holy Eucharist.  If you are not a Catholic you are missing a huge blessing. To have Christ really present and to have all spiritual thirst and hunger satisfied by recieving Christ into our very being through His Body and Blood at Mass is just plainly awesome!!  I am so humbled to represent the community in this great prayer and to mediate God's love in the sacramental celebrations of the Church.  No one is worthy of such a blessing, but I accept the responsibility with every once of love and joy  possible. Yet, this is not the core of my identity.

See the deepest core of my Christian identity, as a disciple of Christ, as a human being,  is that of being a MISSIONER.  For whatever reason God has called me and given me a passion to spread the Word of God and offer the gift of membership in the Catholic Church to those living in rural areas of United States of America.  It is an honor and privilege.  Yet, many people do not stop and reflect on the missionary needs here in the United States.  Many are unaware of the number of people who have not yet been baptized or who have drifted far from God and his love.  It is my hope through this humble blog to raise that awareness.

In raising this awareness, I recognize that I am but one small missionary priest in the huge ocean of missioners in the world.  My little drop of life in union with others is terrific, yet, it is but a drop.  Furthermore, I am but one Glenmarian.  Therefore, this blog does not represent the missionary thoughts of all Glenmarians nor does it represent an offical position of the society.  It is just my own little musings over the missionary needs in our world today.  Hopefully, these musings are faithful to the Gospel and consistent with all the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.  If I ever write something that is not, I hope to hear from you.  I hope too, that this blog is helpful to all Christians and people of other faiths and even for folks who do not have faith.  Maybe my musings will inspire musings of your own.

So, check out Fr. Steve's Missionary Musings ever so often.  My this lead us to greater hope, greater action and a world of greater love, justice and peace.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Fr. Steve and may this blog bless the readers and you! Look forward to the next entry
